Frankfurt am Main

After arriving in the morning at the Frankfurt Airport, we headed right into the city on the S-Bahn. We ended up walking a bit around the downtown area before heading up to the observation deck atop Main Tower. Afterwards, we took the S-Bahn again across the Main River to have lunch. It soon started to pour as we were walking on the riverfront. We went to the Stadel Museum to dry off and to look at the art. By the time we left, it wasn’t raining much at all. We crossed the river via the Holbeinsteg, the bridge in front of the museum. We then headed to the old town area where we ended the day.

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A Winter Day at the Meadowlark Botanical Gardens

We headed to the Meadowlark Botanical Gardens after lunch today. It was snowing a bit when we arrived, though it was too warm for any of it to stick. At the gardens, we saw some flowers that had been planted. A few trees were beginning to bloom, perhaps a bit earlier this year due to recent warm weather across the region. As for birds, we didn’t see too many, mostly a few Canada Geese near the entrance and quite a few American Crows flying around.

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