After breakfast at the Le Méridien in Munich, we took the train to Salzburg, Austria. Once there, we visited the Hohensalzburg Fortress on a hill above the city. We also visited Mozart’s birthplace and his residence, both of which are currently museums.
Continue reading “Mozart and a Fortress in Salzburg, Austria”BMW, Olympic Park, and Munich’s Old Town
After breakfast at the Le Méridien, we took the U-Bahn to Olympiazentrum. We visited BMW World and the BMW Museum and had lunch nearby. The weather was good so we decided to go to the top of the nearby Olympiaturm. Afterwards, we returned to central Munich to see a bit more of the old town area.
Continue reading “BMW, Olympic Park, and Munich’s Old Town”Munich’s Schloss Nymphenburg and Old Town
After breakfast at the Le Méridien, we visited Schloss Nymphenburg. After spending the morning there, we returned to central Munich for lunch and to explore the old town area a bit more. We visited two historic churches, the Asamkirche and Frauenkirche, and walked around the exterior of the Neues Rathaus.
Continue reading “Munich’s Schloss Nymphenburg and Old Town”Munich Residenz and the Old Town
After arriving in Munich and dropping off our bags at the Le Méridien, we headed over to the Residenz. After walking through the former palace, we had lunch nearby and returned to see the Cuvilliés Theatre. We then took a quick walk through the nearby Hofgarten before visiting the nearby Theatinerkirche. We continued on to see the Marienplatz and adjacent New City Hall. We popped into the nearby St. Peter’s for a quick look before walking around the old town area to end the day.
Continue reading “Munich Residenz and the Old Town”Sun Yat-Sen and Chiang Kai-Shek Memorials
After having breakfast at the Grand Hyatt, we visited the National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall again where we saw the change of guard twice and looked through the museum spaces inside. After an excellent beef noodle soup lunch, we visited the huge Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall before having Singaporean chilli crab for dinner at Jumbo Seafood in Xinyi. We ended the evening by walking back to the Grand Hyatt, enjoying the Christmas decorations and lights on the way.
Continue reading “Sun Yat-Sen and Chiang Kai-Shek Memorials”