We headed down again to Washington DC today and once again viewed the cherry blossoms. While the weather was a bit cool, it was quite pleasant though unfortunately the sky was overcast. Overall, quite a few of the cherry blossoms have fallen from the trees already, perhaps because of the cool and rainy weather yesterday. Some of the trees that were a bit late in blooming have progressed, but there are still quite a few unopened buds on many of the trees. We think maybe the cooler weather is slowing things down a bit.

It has been a very long time since we last walked on the National Mall. Of course, we took a photo of the Washington Monument. Some of the cherry blossom trees are visible in the distance around the base of the monument. The flags that circle the monument are all at half staff due to the death of Madeline Albright, the first female Secretary of State, yesterday.

The cluster of cherry trees to the southeast of the Washington Monument always makes for great views with the monument towering above in the background. Its not as nice when the sky is overcast though as there just isn’t enough color in the scene. Unfortunately, the trees still have a good amount of buds that haven’t bloomed yet.

The Jefferson Monument looks quite nice after they cleaned the dome! It is actually white! We took a few photos of the monument, framed by cherry blossoms, from the other side of the Tidal Basin.

The trees with very pink flowers have bloomed more than they were two days ago. They still have a little bit to go before reaching their peak.

The area around the MLK Memorial was definitely at peak bloom two days ago. They were the best looking trees in the area! Today, many of the flowers have already fallen to the ground! Definitely the most fallen flowers that we saw today.

We photographed this same tree two days ago. While it still has quite a few flowers on its branches, it doesn’t look as good as it did then. Many of the flowers have fallen.

This close up photo shows the cherry blossoms when they are ready to fall to the ground. The red center portion becomes visible between the petals when viewed from the front.

The view from the bridge at the east end of the Tidal Basin. Still a very pretty scene with the cherry trees in bloom.

There were some rather large puddles on the ground, so of course we did a bit of puddle photography!